Revenue have announced that it would write to every taxpayer who filed a 2015 income tax return, explaining the benefit of regularising their non-Irish tax affairs pre 1 May 2017.

This was particularly relevant where an individual holds any non-Irish property or assets (such as inherited properties outside Ireland, foreign pensions, foreign bank accounts and foreign trusts) which have not been included or accurately included in their tax return. From 1 May, there will be new restrictions on the ability to regularise non-Irish tax matters and this could also negatively affect their Irish tax position.

Failure to regularise non-Irish tax issues will result in penalties of up to 100% of any underpaid tax, potential criminal prosecution and publication of the taxpayer’s name on the Revenue list of defaulters.

Feb 2017 | Solicitor Access to the MyEnquiries online contact facility

A new appendix has been included to Revenue guidelines setting out how solicitors can access the MyEnquiries online contact facility on behalf of a client, where the solicitor is not the client's tax agent.  To read the amended Revenue Guidelines click the following:

The Revenue Service to Practitioners and Business Taxpayers including RTS Guidelines

To read the relevant eBrief 16/17, click here


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