How much do you charge?

This question depends on the type and complexity of the individual matter. Because each case is different, we offer personal attention to your legal needs and charge based on the time spent in doing so. During your first contact with our office, we will explain how we charge for your type of legal issue.

Although we will try to explain the process and answer your questions to provide you an estimate of the time that our advice will take once we have details of your situation, it is not possible to quote exactly how much your case will cost start to finish, particularly if your legal issue is extremely complex or involves unforeseeable circumstances.

Do you offer free consultations?

During your initial call to the firm, our standard procedure is a short screening process to avoid any potential conflicts and to get a sense of the work involved and whether it is work that this firm is best suited to undertake for you. While there is no charge for this initial part of the conversation to determine if we are able to assist in your matter, to the extent more details are discussed on this same call, the time for discussing that later detail on the call will be charged once you have formally engaged us.

We do not offer free consultations. While some firms may offer a “free” consultation to get clients through the door, we suggest you must examine the full cost and quality to make a proper legal or tax assessment.

We understand the client’s time is very valuable. Once a consultation is scheduled, we do background work and preparation so we can use the time at the consultation most cost efficiently for you. We can assess the issues, answer any questions, review any paperwork, present options where relevant and suggest a plan of action. While we cannot guarantee outcomes, we can discuss the pros and cons of suggested approaches to your particular situation and advise you on the realistic probable results based on our suggestions. Chances are we have significant experience with many situations similar to yours.

Our consultations can be done over the phone, at a meeting at your place of work or home, in an outside meeting room, by email, or via teleconferencing.

If we are unable to help or do not currently practice in a particular area of law, we have an extensive network of other solicitors, tax advisers and accountants. If you would like a referral, please let us know.

How do you charge – Hourly, Flat Fee, Contingency?

Our cases will be generally be billed on an hourly rate rather than on a flat fee or contingency basis. 

For some types of cases, such as where you are not resident in Ireland, a payment on account, i.e. a retainer or down payment, will be required and will be discussed during the initial call with our office.

Our hourly rate reflects our experience level and reputation. When choosing a solicitor or tax adviser, it is very difficult to choose one over another solely based on the hourly fee he or she charges. Keep in mind with experience with your type of concerns we may perform the necessary tasks at a faster rate, thereby saving you time and money. We offer the strength of having worked in and being to the forefront of changes in the area of private client succession, taxation and trust areas for nearly 30 years while providing personal and professional services.

Billing and Payments

As with any professional service, we expect to be compensated for the work provided. We are dedicated to controlling costs and managing client fees. These billing practices enable our firm to provide our clients with quality, cost-effective legal and taxation advice.

We have flexible payment options that are assessed on a case-by-case and individual basis. Please contact us for any billing questions or concerns.


The above is a general outline of our billing methods but all of these are detailed below in our general terms and conditions. Before we can undertake any formal advice for you, you will need to sign the general terms and any amendments to them in accordance with Section 151 Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 and also sign the privacy policy and, where relevant the consumer waiver. Only when we receive signed papers back from you formally engaging this firm can we undertake work for you.


General Terms & Conditions

Identity Checklist

Consumer Waiver

Privacy Policy


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