Trusts can be an effective means of protecting assets and beneficiaries. At Keogan Law & Tax, we advise clients on the establishment, administration and dissolution of trusts at all levels of complication.
There are extensive anti-avoidance tax measures directed at trusts. We advise on all the relevant legal and tax implications of legislation and the obligations dictated by regulating authorities.
For international clients, we have considerable experience in international tax and protection planning, including the use of an Irish trust as a tax efficient offshore vehicle.
Without correct procedures and addressing regulatory obligations, the day to day running of a trust can be fraught with danger. We advise trustees and beneficiaries on all aspects of trust law, taxation and procedures in connection with ongoing administration, their duties and rights and ensure they are protected where possible.
We have worked with representative and Government bodies, in many practical submissions, capital tax matters and Anti-Money Laundering issues pertaining to trusts. We apply our deep knowledge of this area to ensure trusts in Ireland can be administered effectively long term.
Dissolution or Variation
Existing trusts may no longer be tax efficient or serve the purpose for which they were set up. We advise on the most tax efficient methods available to wind up trusts and transfer assets from a trust to beneficiaries where appropriate.
We advise trustees on whether a trust might need to be varied and the mechanism of doing this, including applying to Court for consent.